About Client

Founded in 1955, the client is an American insurance company and is the largest provider of supplemental insurance in the United States. A Fortune 500 company, our client provides financial protection to more than 50 million people worldwide, allowing policyholders to focus on recovery and not take any financial stress.

The Need: Increase Organic Traffic and Leads Across Key Product Pages

The client came to us with a specific requirement of growing organic traffic and leads for various Insurance products listed on their website.

They also wanted to rank high for highly competitive non-branded keywords like “accidental insurance” and “cancer insurance.”


The Challenge: Low Topical and Backlink Authority

The client needed to improve their topical and backlink authority to attract more organic traffic and leads to their product pages. However, they faced the following challenges to achieve the desired results.

  • No in-house content team
  • Not enough content was being created
  • Not enough product pages on their website

Value Realized with ALPS

The client leveraged the ALPS platform as their SEO enabler to improve their on-page optimization efforts and create new content efficiently. The agency that managed their content wanted to create supporting content for the key product pages to increase topical authority, relevancy, and depth.

They started focusing on creating more relevant resources/blog pages to support existing product pages with the following steps:

Results: Resource page Traffic increased by 2222% within just 6 months

1. Creating and optimizing the resource pages resulted in the following:

  • 30.03% organic footprint increase
  • 15.58% increase of page 1 ranked terms since Feb ’21
  • Resource page traffic increased by 2222% from May ’21

2. 30% increase in organic traffic on the “Accidental Insurance” and “Cancer Insurance” page

3. Almost 400% increase in the organic leads generated in 2021 and 3X increase in the organic leads generated within 10 months of goal setting in 2022

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